Why was Stonehenge built? | Living Sciences

Why was Stonehenge built?  |  Living Sciences

Stonehenge Perhaps the most famous are the vast circular monuments constructed of wood or stone dotting the British countryside. It is likely that a prehistoric monument was erected in what is now England some time between 3000 and 2000 B.C. The stones were transported all the way from neighboring Wales – It is not an easy matter for a Stone Age civilization.

It must have been a colossal effort and begs the question: Why? Land Are they bothered Why did people in the Stone Age build so many henges?

Jacinthe Poulin

"Wannabe fauteur de troubles. Fanatique de la culture pop. Nerd de zombies. Défenseur du bacon à vie. Passionné d'alcool. Accro à la télévision."

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