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Democrats « have fallen into their mob mentality », trying « to blame Trump for everything »

Democrats "have fallen into their mob mentality", trying "to blame Trump for everything"

While Republicans look inside in the wake of the Capitol Hill riots afterward President TrumpFox News contributor Charles Hurt said in a speech Wednesday that the Democrats are adding to the squad.Fox and Friends. « 

« I feel this impulse to blame everything on President Trump. Everything that’s happening now has been in the making for years and decades, politicians on Capitol Hill have been a part of it, » Hurt, opinion editor for The Washington Times, told co-host Brian Kilmid.

« Documenting » chaos? Anti-Trump, BLM activist inside the Capitol amid riots speaks to FOX NEWS

He added, “The last thing they want to do is evaluate themselves and try to figure out,” Well, what have you done to make this situation worse or to create this situation? « 

Biden and Harris are charged with a «  spur  » crime for suggesting Capitol Hill rioters, «  peaceful  » double BLM standard

Trump supporters have sparked unrest on the steps of the Capitol building as it witnesses a joint session of Congress President-elect BidenElectoral College victory causing legislators to close. The riots have killed five people, including a pro-Trump protester who was shot dead by Capitol Hill police, and at least 68 arrests, according to metropolitan police.

Within seconds of resuming their meetings on Wednesday evening, Hurt said, Democrats on Capitol Hill « began accusing the Republicans of betrayal and sedition. »

He said, « Every iota of hope we had that maybe this is a moment of unification, we can get out of this stronger, we just went out the window. »

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Several Democratic lawmakers have taken to Twitter to demand that Trump be removed using the 25th Amendment or impeachment.

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“They have fallen into the trap of their mob mentality, they are all trying to outdo each other on Twitter to see who can point the most nefarious accusation or make the most egregious request from the other side and nothing will ever recover if Hurt says.

While this may be a good time for soul-searching for both parties, Hurt concluded that « there is no indication from Democrats on Capitol Hill that any of them have any intention to do so and certainly not Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. »

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