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Pittsburgh original Michael Keaton will play Batman in the 2022 movie – CBS Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh original Michael Keaton will play Batman in the 2022 movie - CBS Pittsburgh

Written by: KDKA-TV News Staff

Pittsburgh (KDKA) – Pittsburgh’s Michael Keaton will play Batman in a movie set to premier in 2022.

Brooks Barnes of the New York Times interviewed Walter Hamadeh, president of DC Films, and they learned about it The 69-year-old Keaton, as well as Ben Affleck, will play Batman in « The Flash ». The New York Times reported that the movie « will connect the two universes and feature two Batmans ».

Barnes also took to Twitter to confirm the news.

“Based on your Hamada trailer, some have interpreted WB as offering two Batman franchises, one with Pattinson and the other with a new actor. Is that true, or are you referring to Keaton as a second Batman, being part of a saga not centered around Batman?” Nestor said Cine, founder of Desde Hollywood, a news site for bilingual films.

Barnes replied, « Keaton. »

Some fans later considered this to mean that Keaton would portray the superhero in the new movie and beyond. Barnes quickly dropped this rumor.

Keaton made his debut as Batman in the 1989 movie « Batman » by Tim Burton and the 1992 sequel « Batman Returns. »

In 2017, Received acclaimed actor Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts from Carnegie Mellon University.

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