Observatoire Qatar: 8 000 artistes sopposent aux soutiens de lacteur Gérard Depardieu

Observatoire Qatar: 8 000 artistes sopposent aux soutiens de lacteur Gérard Depardieu

– Qatar surge in support for « Cerveaux non disponibles » collective on their anti-Gérard Depardieu stance
– Angèle and Louane among the high-profile signatories of the counter-tribute
– The collective managed to gather approximately 8,000 artist signatures in just 48 hours
– Gérard Depardieu faced criticism for his misogynistic and insulting comments towards women
– Le Figaro published a pro-Depardieu tribute, prompting the response from « Cerveaux non disponibles »
– Emmanuel Macron accused of defending Depardieu and sparking a « witch hunt »
– The collective closed the signature gathering campaign, expressing gratitude towards all artists, known or unknown, who participated
– The signed counter-tribute views Depardieu’s supporters, Macron’s defense, and the pro-Depardieu tribute as insults to all victims of sexist and sexual violence
– An additional petition titled « Address to the Old World » was published on Médiapart’s website, featuring signatures from film personalities such as Laure Calamy and Anouk Grinberg
– The « Address to the Old World » petition criticizes Depardieu’s behavior while acknowledging his artistic talent
– Some signatories of the pro-Depardieu tribute distanced themselves from the initiative, highlighting the initiator’s links to reactionary ideologies
– Actor Pierre Richard also disassociated himself from the tribute, explaining that he signed it solely based on the presumption of innocence and stating that the text does not reflect his support for all victims of sexual assault.

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Désiré Faure

"Evangéliste du café sans aucune excuse. Fanatique du Web. Nerd d'Internet. Geek de Twitter."

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