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Launch of a kids’ TV program about a massive, out-of-control penis during Danish #MeToo Reckoning

Launch of a kids' TV program about a massive, out-of-control penis during Danish #MeToo Reckoning

Danish Public Television has just presented a new animation show about a guy named John Dillermand and his unreasonably long penis.

The premise of the program, aimed at children between the ages of 4 and 8, is to show how Mr. Dillermand – which translates as Mr. Penis Man – overcame the obvious challenges that come with an incredibly tall schlong.

Rather than being held back by his hefty packaging, he uses it in creative ways, including conducting rescues, flying flags, barbecuing, and even a weird episode when Mr. Dillerman’s penis somehow steals ice cream from an unexpected kid.

The show, of course, has its critics. Danish writer Anne Lise Marstrand-Jørgensen has asked about the timing since Denmark recently started stressing sexual harassment in the workplace. « Is this really the message we want to send to the kids while we’re in the midst of a huge wave of #MeToo? » She wrote on Twitter.

But the makers of the show, whose 13 episodes have been watched more than 140,000 times since its debut on January 2, have defended the unusual choice in children’s programming. DR Public Radio posted on Facebook on Tuesday: « We think it’s important to be able to tell stories about bodies. » « In the series, we learn about children’s growing curiosity about their bodies and genitals, as well as the embarrassment and pleasure in their bodies. »

Some episodes show Mrs. Delirmand somewhat dissatisfied trying to keep her husband in line, including one scene in which she releases a group of balloons from which her husband is dangling by his member. Spoiler alert: He’s alive.

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« It’s a very Danish offer, » educational expert Sophie Munster told AFP. « We have a tradition of pushing boundaries and using humor and we think it’s completely normal. »

Clinical psychologist Erla Heinsen Högsted told AFP that the symptom is not harmful to young children. « John Dillermand talks to the children and shares their way of thinking – and children find genitals funny, » she said. « He takes responsibility for his actions. When a woman on the show tells him that he should keep his penis in his pants, for example, he listens. He’s beautiful. He’s responsible. »

Others argue that a full show about an oversized member is bad for men. Christian Gross, associate professor and gender researcher at Roskilde University, told local Danish media, “It perpetuates the standard idea of ​​patriarchal society and normalizes“ locker room culture. ”It’s supposed to be funny – so it’s seen as harmless. But it is not. We know this to our children. « 

The public broadcaster responded to the criticism leveled on her Facebook page, saying it was too feasible to put on a show « about a woman who does not control her vagina » and what really matters is that kids love Mr. Dillermand.

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