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Lin Chi: Chinese billionaire and founder of Yoozoo dies after being suspected of being poisoned

Lin Chi: Chinese billionaire and founder of Yoozoo dies after being suspected of being poisoned

Yoozoo Corporation’s Board of Directors issued a statement on December 26 confirming the death of founder and chairman Lin Qi.

« Members of the Board of Directors, supervisors, senior management and all employees of the company express their deepest condolences on the death of Mr. Lin Zhi, » the statement said.

Lin’s colleague – a 39-year-old man surnamed Xu – was detained in Shanghai, where authorities said in a statement that they were first alerted to a suspected case of poisoning on December 17.

Police said Shaw is « suspected of committing a major crime ».

Two days before his death, Yuzu Issued a statement He said Lin was taken to hospital due to « physical discomfort, » but that his condition was stable and improving.
Lin, whose company is among the Chinese Leading mobile game publishers In terms of global revenue, it is believed to be worth around $ 1 billion (RMB $ 6.8 billion), according to the Hurun Global Rich List.
Founded in 2009, Yoozoo is best known for its 2019 role-playing title « Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming ». After drawing his attention to movie production in 2014, Lin bought the rights to the Chinese science fiction novel « The Three-Body Problem » with Yoozoo Group. Deal with Netflix To turn the book into a TV series produced by David Benioff and DP Weiss from the popular Game of Thrones series.
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