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Epic acquires Rad game tools

Epic acquires Rad game tools

Epic Games today announced that it has acquired Rad Game Tools.

The Kirkland team in Washington offers a variety of software for game developers, including Bink video codec, Oodle data compression, and telemetry performance visualization.

« Team Rad members will closely collaborate with Epic’s display, animation, insight and audio teams, integrating key technologies and improvements across Unreal Engine and beyond, » said Epic.

« The combined powers of Rad and Epic will allow more developers to access tools that make their games load and download faster, and provide players with a higher and better quality video and gaming experience. »

Despite the acquisition, Rad will continue to work with companies outside of Epic, whether or not they use the Unreal Engine.

Founded in 1988, Rad also has a Japanese office that was established in 2008. Its products have been used in nearly 25,000 games.

The terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.

The Rad deal continues to be a busy extension of Epic on the acquisition front. Since the start of 2019, Epic has acquired the 3LateralAnd the Agog LabsAnd the PsionicsAnd the TwinAnd the House partyAnd the KwixelAnd the Cubic motionAnd the HyprsenseAnd and Very cool To its ranks.

Earlier this week, too Acquired a shopping mall in North Carolina To serve as its future headquarters.

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