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Cal Thomas: The Republicans have a perfect presidential candidate for 2024 – not Trump

Cal Thomas: The Republicans have a perfect presidential candidate for 2024 - not Trump

At the 1980 Democratic National Convention in New York, Senator Ted Kennedy, a Democrat from Massachusetts, gave a speech after his defeat to Jimmy Carter in the running for president. The rhetoric was intertwined liberalism. Kennedy criticized the Republicans and Ronald Reagan for their ideas, which he said were from the past (today the past looks much better than the near future in light of Joe Biden And the Democrats).

Part of his concluding line would be helpful for Republicans today to consider following the abbreviation Trump card Era. Kennedy said, « The work continues, the cause remains, hope is still alive, and the dream will never die. »

Trump has heavily contributed to the Republican Party, giving the party the backbone that seemed out of place after the Reagan years. He also reminded people that conservative ideas are working, including tax cuts, reduced regulations and constitutional judges.

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Add to these important achievements that the Trump administration brokered four peace agreements in the Middle East that no one thought was possible, let alone the possibility of achieving it, and many « experts » said that developing a vaccine for the Coronavirus was not possible by the end of the year.

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The president hinted that he might run again within four years. If he wins, he and his supporters will enjoy a beautiful revenge. But does he have to be a candidate? As much as he did to the party and the country, should Republicans put all their faith and trust in him?

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Much may depend on President-elect Biden’s performance in office. Biden will almost certainly not seek a second term when he turns 82.

Last August, Trump was questioned at a White House press conference about opinion polls that showed his popularity waning. When asked to clarify, he replied, « Nobody loves me. It can only be my character. That’s it. » It was a rare moment of transparency for him.

There are still remnants of the ancient values ​​that my grandparents’ generation embraced and tried to inculcate in their grandchildren. No one was belittling others, belittling them, talking to others, or naming them. Trump has consistently ignored this advice. While many Americans still supported him, and those who voted for him far outnumbered any other Republican presidential candidate, or incumbent president, that was not enough.

The reason could only be his personality.

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Most Americans expect a certain amount of dignity that stems from the person who temporarily occupies our highest position. Could Trump have achieved it all without insults? I think so. At a minimum, he might have recreated a quote from a guy who knows a lot about enemies, all of them local.

I have referred to Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural address before, but it is worth remembering, and even memorizing. At the dawn of the Civil War, Lincoln said: “We are not enemies, but we are friends. We must not be enemies. Although the emotion may have soured, you must not sever our bonds of affection. By the best angels of our nature. « 

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Could such a position give President Trump a second term? He may have swung enough votes for him from the people who place high value on deportation.

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Republicans can continue to embrace Trump’s policies while standing behind someone without their luggage. Who might this be? My opinion of the ideal candidate is Vice President Mike Pence, who was loyal to the President without calling him titles, while preserving his personality, dignity, Christian faith and kindness.

Republicans could do much worse than a penny, but not much better.


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