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Apple has stopped signing iOS 14.2 and iOS 14.2.1, which prohibits downgrading to iOS 14.3

Apple has stopped signing iOS 14.2 and iOS 14.2.1, which prohibits downgrading to iOS 14.3

After releasing iOS 14.3 last month, Apple today stopped signing both iOS 14.2 and iOS 14.2.1 – which was only available for iPhone 12 models. This means that users who have updated their devices to iOS 14.3 can no longer downgrade to iOS 14.2.

Among all the changes iOS 14.3Most notably, the addition of ProRAW photo format for iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max. Apple announced the new ProRAW feature for iPhones during its October event last year, but the feature was released to users only months later.

As for iOS 14.2Updates brought new emojis, more wallpapers, and HomePod Intercom support. iOS 14.2.1 It arrived a few days later with specific bug fixes for iPhone 12 models.

Downgrade to old iOS versions is common for those with jailbroken devices. Restoring iPhone or iPad to an earlier version of iOS can sometimes be helpful for users who encounter major bugs after upgrading to the latest version of iOS.

If you encounter any serious issues with iOS 14.3, unfortunately you will now have to wait for a future update to be available instead of downgrading to iOS 14.2. The only downgrade possible at this time is from the latest version iOS 14.4 Beta for iOS 14.3.

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